By Super User on Wednesday, 05 June 2013
Category: Uncategorized

How Long Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are a dental restoration procedure that covers a cavity damaged tooth, binding it together and protecting it. High quality dental crowns can be done in offices like the one belonging to Dr. Arman Torbati, in the city of Los Angeles.
Dental crowns can be made of several materials, all with their own benefits and downsides. Your dentist is able to advise you on the best procedure for your situation. Metal crowns, commonly called gold crowns even if they contain an alloy of several metals, are the most durable, but commonly reserved for the back of the mouth, since they don't quite blend in with the other teeth.
Porcelain fused to metal crowns have a porcelain veneer baked onto a metal core. Still quite durable, they have the disadvantage of chipping more easily, but they also blend in quite well when compared to natural teeth. All-ceramic crowns provide a beautiful match to the patient's teeth, right down to texture and coloration, but they are also less durable and recommended for front teeth.
The estimated duration for crowns is between 10 to 15 years. This is a great lifespan for a material that is required to chew and survive in a moist environment over a weakened tooth. However, with proper care and dental hygiene at home, they can last for the remainder of the wearer's life. When the crown is created in the dental lab, the materials are most certainly designed to last that long.
There are many mistakes we can make in our day to day life that can heavily damage the crown, along with our natural teeth. We are often distracted enough to attempt to use our teeth to open bottles and other caps that are hard to loosen, or even chewing ice or fingernails, which could chip crows with porcelain finishes. Avoiding undue use of your teeth can help your crowns resist wear and tear over time.
Good oral hygiene is also an important component of getting the longest wear out of your crowns. Brushing and flossing, especially around the gum area, protects the underlying tooth from decay and the gums from any disease. The area where the crown meets the tooth or gum is particularly prone to accumulating decayed food. Dental procedures to fix such problems would possibly damage the existing crown.
So when you're being fitted for a crown, you can discuss with your dentist what are the best ways to take care of the particular material that as chosen according to your needs. As you have seen, with proper care, your already long lasting crowns can give you a bright smile and improve your quality of life for as many years as you live.