By Super User on Friday, 30 March 2018
Category: Dental Implants

A New Look To Dental Implants

Dental implants have transformed the way teeth are replaced after a tooth has been lost or damaged beyond repair. In the past, a crown or a bridge might have been the only way to fill the gap for a missing tooth or a tooth so badly decayed that it has to be extracted. Thanks to advances in dentistry, dental implants offer you another option. Before you move forward with an implant, it's best to understand what is involved.

How Long to Dental Implants Last?

You're asking yourself about the best dental implant dentist near me, but you also need to understand the basics about implants. One of the most important things you need to know is that this replacement option is meant to last. You can expect your implant to last as long as fifteen years with a minimum of ten years. With excellent care and regular visits to your dentist, you may be able to keep your original implant even longer.

Dental Implant Complexities

Getting a dental implant is a more involved procedure, but it is a permanent option as opposed to dentures that are typically removed on a regular basis at night. You can have an implant for a single tooth, several implants, or your entire set of teeth can be implants if you prefer a more permanent option. In order to have dental implants, you will begin with having any remainder of your damaged tooth removed if one is still in your mouth. A metal post will be inserted, or implanted into your jawbone for each implant. This will need time for the existing bone to graft to your implant. It may take a few months for this process to be completed. At that point, an abutment will be attached to the implant so that an artificial replacement tooth can be attached to it. Your dentist will ensure that the artificial tooth matches the rest of your teeth and looks natural.

What are the Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer many advantages. They last many years. Implants remain in place at all times in your mouth. They are secure. They feel and function like natural teeth. There are disadvantages as well. To insert implants into your jaw, you must go through oral surgery. As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications. Infection, injury, nerve damage, and sinus problems are possible. You need to talk to your dentist to weigh your options and choose what is best for you.

Where Do You Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants are inserted in your dentist's office. You need to ask yourself where is the best implant dentist near me? Century City Dental Implants offers you the opportunity to get the implants you need as you place yourself in the hands of a skilled dentist you can trust. Make your appointment for your consultation today.