By Super User on Thursday, 30 January 2020
Category: Dental Implants

All On 4 Dental Implants Cost Break Down

Are you aware that dental implants can be a lifelong solution? Dental implants are a great solution over dentures because they last longer. Implants also promote the healthy growth of your neighboring teeth. Dr. Arman Torbati knows what's best for you. While a dental implant is a small titanium screw, it's really so much more. These implants are inserted into your jawbone, taking the position of your natural tooth.

The implant is placed first, then an artificial tooth is placed over the screw. The All-on-Four dental implant is just how it sounds. It is all four of your dental implants in one. This unique type of implant gives you the freedom to have four on top and four on the bottom. These four act as anchor, and it's effective for your top teeth and your bottom teeth. Having four teeth on top and bottom to anchor, allows for you to an attach a set of dentures for the remaining.

The Financial Investment for the All-On-Four Implant

While implants are considered costly, there is no reason to avoid getting them if you feel that you would benefit from them. There are various types of material used to make these teeth, and the material used will help determine how many fake teeth you need to complete your set. Traditionally, acrylic has been used to create the All-On-Four denture. The acrylic is then built around a titanium framework. This will keep the implants secure and in place. The porcelain All-ON-Four are important mainly because they are strong. The price tag is rather high on this method, making it one of the last options for most people. In fact, when the price tag is around 20,000 to 30,000 it can change once ability to get a speedy recovery.

Why Porcelain Implants Matter

It's interesting that porcelain is being used to improve implants. Porcelain is stronger and looks more like a real tooth. The acrylic and composite often end up costing anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000. However, those who are after the higher end porcelain that are nearly unbreakable, may cost as much as an additional $5,000 per jaw. Replacing a broken denture is possible, but the expense to fix it can run into the thousands. This is why it's important to ask your doctor what they think you absolutely must have.

Getting Your All On Four Implants

The first step to getting your implant procedure is to receive your anesthesia. It will either be a local anesthetic or general anesthesia depending on the recommendation for your oral surgeon. The second step during the procedure is the extractions. This means that any teeth that are not good should be removed in order to give your surgeon room to work. There may be some infected tissue that needs to be removed within the jaw as well. Because this is a procedure that involves partial dentures, anchors will be placed at the front and the back of your mouth. Just like any surgical procedure, the surgical sites must be clean and closed with sutures once the implants have been put in. Now that it's clear how the procedure takes place, how does the cost break down unlike other options?

It all goes back to what looks and feels more like a real tooth. Acrylic is not as strong, and it doesn't have the look of a real tooth. Porcelain may run an additional $5,000 per jaw. Acrylic is significantly cheaper overall. Using porcelain for the cost of All on 4 dental implants in Los Angeles could range anywhere from $25,000 to $35,000. This would be the cost for entire procedure. Those who are getting implants for nearly every tooth, would expect to pay from $50,000 to $60,000. The next option which is similar, but a bit cheaper is the G4 implant. These are considered to be permanent within hours of the surgery. This is good news for those who want the implants to take quicker. It all depends on what you feel is right for you. Discuss your options with Dr. Arman Torbati,a trusted oral surgeon in the Los Angeles and Santa Monica area.