By Super User on Friday, 17 January 2020
Category: Dental Implants

How Many Implants Do I Need to Replace All My Teeth?

Did you know that your dental health is one of the most important aspects of your health? Taking care of your teeth is just as important as taking care of anything else. Should you experience multiple extractions, your jaw bone may deteriorate. Do you need implants to replace all of your teeth?

Should You Replace All of Your Teeth?

Some believe you should replace all of your teeth once you lose them. Is this true? You may want to opt for a full-arch bridge. As implant retained full denture may also be an option to help replace your teeth as well as your roots. This support structure is what keeps the natural feel of your teeth. Prior to implants, removable dentures were the only option. Now you have a better option. You can choose implants so that it feels like your natural teeth.

Implants are placed with your least and comfort in mind. This is why each implant is placed in such a way that it mimics the natural placement of your teeth. Whether the region is anterior or posterior, dental implants can help prolong your natural teeth within that region. When dental implants are not present, the need for dentures would then be present. The primary challenge with dentures is that they do not promote the continued growth of teeth in the surrounding area. Dental implants are a long-term solution.

Once they have been placed, they will last for years to come. Dr. Arman Torbati is a true believe in dental implants for promoting the healthy growth of your surrounding teeth. As your trusted dentist in the Los Angeles and Santa Monica area, Arman Torbati is able to complete a dental implant procedure in just one procedure and nothing more. Why should you consider implants over dentures?

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures

Although some advantages have been mentioned in the above paragraphs, there are numerous benefits to dental implants. One of the primary advantages that Dr. Arman Torbati discusses with his patients, is keeping your neighboring teeth intact. They will not need to be treated, as they would with dentures. Another great reason to opt for implants, is that they are fixed. Once they are fixed, they do not need to be removed. Implants are set and ready to go. Dentures have to be removed, often causing the individual embarrassment. Dentures have also been linked with a lack of self-confidence.

Oftentimes, those who are using removable dentures fear that they may slip or come out while they are speaking. More importantly, it's difficult when eating with removable dentures. Implants are much more secure! Restoration isn't a word often associated with your teeth. You do have aa choice when it comes to long-term care for your teeth as you age. Aging doesn't mean that you are required to get false teeth! Arman Torbati is a trusted dentist in Los Angeles and Santa Monica for helping many get their dental implants. As a professional, he takes pride in offering his patients a long-term solution.

Dental implants are a final fix. As a long-term solution they are highly recommended, and they also come with with long-term care. Many dental professionals offer long-term cleaning and inspection to ensure your dental implants are functioning as they should. Dental implants can be done one at a time, but with state-of-the-art technology, they can now be done in multiples. Getting a predictable solution like this is peace of mind. Whether you are getting a single tooth replaced, or multiple teeth, dental implants are the best option.

How an Implant Replaces Your Tooth

Dental implants may replace your teeth, but they are also replacing the root. This promotes good regrowth of the root, and it's a lifelong replacement. Installing a tooth by itself is simple. It is also easier to install multiple teeth. There are numerous options depending upon your personal dental health. This means that you could also benefit from a "bridge". A full arch supported bridge is helpful for those who are missing multiple teeth. Dr. Arman Torbati can ensure that you make a sound decision for your personal dental health. You'll have a lifelong option, allowing you to consume food as you normally would and getting on with life. Implants mean you won't have to worry about loose dentures, and once they are in, they are in. If you are considering getting dental implants, consider a consultation with Dr. Arman Torbati.