By Super User on Wednesday, 01 February 2017
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Implant-Supported and Traditional Dental Bridges

Losing teeth can be devastating for self-esteem. After all, your teeth are one of the few attributes people notice first. This causes people to be self-conscious about their smiles, but it also causes problems with eating, hygiene, overall health and facial symmetry. For this reason, dental bridges have remained as a popular option for many, but now that implant-supported dental bridges are a possibility, some prefer this option. 
Traditional dental bridges and implant-supported dental bridges are similar because they both provide dental function, but it's important to understand how these two options differ because they involve different processes and timeframes. Also, your individual needs and health may dictate which is best. To find the best option for you, schedule a consultation with our Century City dentist. 
Traditional Dental Bridges
Traditional dental bridges are used in restoring dental function and to improve the mouth's aesthetics. As the name implies, this type of restoration "bridges" an area of missing teeth. Two crowns on both sides of the missing teeth are used to anchor one or more artificial teeth. Those with healthy existing teeth for crown placement are good candidates. A thin layer of enamel must be removed from the healthy teeth to affix the crowns, which is done with dental cement. The appeal of implant-supported dental bridges may seem greater than traditional dental bridges, but traditional dental bridges definitely offer several benefits. 
Benefits of Traditional Dental Bridges
Traditional dental bridges offer a non-surgical option for tooth restoration, which is an excellent option for those who are not good candidates for implants or who are otherwise unhealthy for oral surgery. Implants require existing bone mass in order to anchor the artificial tooth. There are other complications which make some poor candidates for implants. Because implants require surgery, traditional dental bridges are a faster process for tooth restoration. They don't require the same downtime for healing and crown placement, so patients are able to enjoy their new teeth in a quicker time-frame. 
Benefits of Los Angeles Dental Implant-Supported Bridges
Implant-supported dental bridges offer greater flexibility than traditional dental bridges in that they can restore more teeth than traditional bridges. This is because these types of bridges can be secured to implants and not to the patient's natural teeth. Implant-supported dental bridges help to preserve bone mass in the jaw because implants take the place of missing teeth. This helps to maintain the patient's facial symmetry and bite. 
At the end of the day, both traditional bridges and implant-supported bridges help to restore dental function and provide better hygiene and confidence. If you need a dental bridge for more than three missing teeth, implant-supported dental bridges may be a better option for you. If you are missing a few teeth and don't want to experience the downtime in healing from one or more implants, a traditional dental bridge may be the better option for you. At times, it's a matter of personal taste. Schedule a consultation appointment with our Los Angeles dentist today to discover which option is better for you.