By Super User on Saturday, 01 July 2017
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain Dental Crown Benefits

Dental crowns are the solution to many dental issues. Basically, they help to restore teeth that are damaged. This helps to restore tooth function and many other benefits. Dental crowns are made from a few materials to provide you the best option to meet your individual needs. You have the option of choosing from metal and porcelain, but porcelain provides a natural appearance that proves most aesthetically-pleasing. There are other benefits to choosing porcelain dental crowns. We offer different options and our Century City dentist is more than happy to answer your questions.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are also referred to as "caps." They cover a tooth in entirety to help restore dental function and give the appearance of a natural tooth, if a natural-looking crown is chosen. It is designed by taking an impression of the patient's mouth. Other factors are taken into consideration to provide the right fit. For example, your dentist will make sure your new crown is comfortable by asking you to bite down on it. The goal is to make sure the tooth fits naturally in your mouth.

The Process of Placing Porcelain Dental Crown Los Angeles

Your existing tooth will need to be reshaped to fit the crown. Our Los Angeles dentist will remove all damaged and decayed material. In some instances, a root canal will need to be done before placing your crown. A temporary crown can help to cover your tooth to prevent further decay or damage while your customized tooth is being made.

Dental crowns provide numerous benefits:

Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Crowns

Metal and porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns offer all of the benefits listed above, but porcelain dental crowns are most appealing because they look like natural teeth. The color of your crown will be made to match your surrounding teeth. Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns may begin to appear grey after time as the metal starts to show through the porcelain. This is why porcelain dental crowns are preferred.

Porcelain dental crowns do not require as much of the natural tooth to be removed as a metal crown or porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crown. This helps to create a stronger tooth to adhere the crown, and it helps to save more of the natural tooth. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns can wear down neighboring teeth because they are more abrasive than porcelain crowns. Contact us immediately to schedule your consultation.