By Super User on Monday, 29 April 2019
Category: Dental Health

Schedule Regular Teeth Cleanings and Dental Checkups in Los Angeles

Just because you brush and floss regularly and teach your children the right way to brush and floss your teeth, it doesn’t mean complete immunity to tooth decay. Standard toothbrushes and dental floss only reach about 3mm below the gumline. If you have pockets between your teeth and gums that are deeper than 3mm, you won’t be able to reach deep enough to clean out all the bacteria, plaque and tartar. Not to mention, you may not be brushing thoroughly enough, which could result in tooth decay and gum disease.

In order to further increase your chances of maintaining a healthy mouth and preventing tooth decay and gum disease, our dentist in Los Angeles recommends scheduling one to two dental cleanings each year. Getting professional dental cleaning at our dentist’ office ensures that all of the plaque and tartar is removed from your teeth on a regular basis. It also allows our dentist to examine your mouth to determine if you have any tooth decay or cavities and if they need to be filled. If we spot signs of early gum disease, we can treat it early before it turns into periodontal disease, which can result in loose teeth, tooth loss and even bone loss.

By regularly cleaning your teeth at-home and getting professional dental cleanings, you will be reducing your chances of experiencing tooth decay, cavities and gum disease. To schedule your next dental appointment for an examination and teeth cleaning, call us at 310-553-3428. We offer convenient appointment times for children and adults in Los Angeles.