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Dr. Arman Torbati DDS.

➤ Harvard & USC Graduate
➤ Associate Professor at USC
➤ Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics
➤ Prosthodontist, Cosmetic & Implant Dentist

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Tooth Extraction Cost for 2021-2022 – Risks, Procedure and Recovery

tooth extraction cost

Are you looking to get your permanent tooth or teeth pulled out? Do you want to learn what is the cost to have tooth extracted? Typically, permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime. However, with time, this might change and create a need for a tooth removal. Essentially, the most common causes for tooth removal are infections, tooth decay, crowding, or discomfort caused by wisdom teeth.

Additionally, tooth extraction for braces is done to help your dentist make room for the other teeth. Tooth extraction is also a crucial procedure if you are under chemotherapy or about to undergo an organ transplant. Essentially, the removal of compromised teeth is essential for ensuring that no infection arises from a bad tooth and complicates a procedure as critical as an organ transplant. Normally, a dentist or a surgeon performs tooth extraction. The procedure is relatively quick and works with both general, local or intravenous anesthesia.

Depending on your situation, your provider can decide to combine two anesthesia options. Now, removing visible teeth can be relatively simple than removing impacted teeth (those that are below the surface or those that are broken). In this guide, you will learn the cost to have tooth extracted, give you the procedure of tooth removal, inform you about the recovery and possible risks that you might experience.

Conditions That Require Tooth Extraction

The following is a list of the most common conditions that may require tooth extraction.

Crowded Mouth

If you have a crowded mouth, your dentist might pull out your teeth to prepare you for orthodontia. Normally, the main objective of orthodontia is to align your teeth properly. On the other hand, this alignment might not be possible if your teeth are too big and present overcrowding. A crowded mouth may also lead to the failure of a tooth to break through the gum – also called tooth eruption – since there is no room.

Tooth or Teeth Infection

Typically, tooth decay can damage your tooth to the extent that it extends to the pulp. Now, the pulp is the center of the tooth that contains blood vessels and other tissues. If the pulp is damaged by tooth decay, the bacteria in your mouth can invade the nerves and the blood vessels, leading to an infection. In most cases, the treatment for this problem is the use of antibiotics or root canal therapy. However, with severe infection, these procedures might fail, and you may need a tooth extraction. This is because failure to prevent the spread of the infection can lead to other critical conditions.

Probable Risk of Infection

Normally, other bodily conditions might lead to a weaker immune system. For instance, your immune system may become weak if you undergo chemotherapy or need an organ transplant. In such cases, the tiniest infection could lead to very devastating effects, including death. Therefore, you must eliminate any source of infection. Therefore, if you have an infected tooth in your dental formula, its removal is critical to ensure that the infection does not spread to other parts of the body. Periodontal disease – also known as gum disease – can cause infection in your bones and tissues. If this happens with compromised immunity, you can develop complications.


Though not a common cause for tooth extraction, adults and teenagers may decide to get their wisdom teeth removed due to the discomfort from wisdom teeth growth.
Other reasons include:

  • Tooth extraction for braces
  • Infections in the jaw

What is the Cost of Teeth Extraction?

How much does it cost to have tooth extracted? What is the cost to pull a tooth? Tooth removal cost – also known as tooth extraction cost - is highly dependent on the individual. Typically, though your tooth removal may require a simple process, another person’s tooth removal may be impacted or underground. In such instances, extracting the teeth becomes more complex, and therefore the cost goes up. Essentially, a simple extraction can go for anything between $75 - $200 per tooth. Depending on the type of anesthesia used, the cost might even be higher. If you have an impacted tooth that requires extraction, you will have to part with a significantly higher amount that ranges between $800 - $4000. The cost also depend on the geographical location since tooth removal cost is mainly tailored to the general cost of living in an area. Therefore, the average cost to have a tooth pulled may vary.

How Much Does Molar Extraction Cost?

Wondering what is the molar extraction cost? Now, the type of your teeth, in most cases, might not play a major role in determining the cost of extraction. Therefore, for simple procedures, you might have to part with up to $200. However, if you need a more extensive procedure, your molar extraction cost will be higher. Normally, molar teeth removal cost, just like other tooth removal cost, depends on the procedure and the type of anesthesia needed. In case you need an oral extraction surgery, the cost will be higher.

Preparing for Tooth Removal

Tooth removal can be an extensive and demanding procedure. In most cases, your dentist will take an X-ray of your tooth before scheduling the removal. Therefore, you should prepare adequately for the procedure to ensure success. Normally, the procedure could involve medication and other substances that your body is not comfortable with. Therefore, you should in advance tell your dentist about all the medication that you take, including supplements, vitamins, and OTC drugs.

If you have another treatment for a medical condition scheduled, you should also inform your dentist. This is especially if the treatment involves a particular drug called bisphosphonate. Typically, if you have such a treatment, the extraction will need to happen before that treatment. Additionally, it would help if you told your dentist about any condition that you suffer, including the following.

  • Congenital heart defect
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes
  • Renal disease
  • Liver disease
  • Damaged valves in your heart
  • The disease of the adrenal system
  • Impaired immune system
  • Thyroid disease
  • Hypertension
  • Artificial joints or
  • Bacterial endocarditis history

If you have an unstable condition, your dentist will first want to stabilize it before the removal. Normally, the dentist prescribes antibiotics and other medication before the procedure to stabilize your condition. Additionally, your provider may prescribe antibiotics if:

  • The teeth surgery is bound to take long
  • Your immune system is weak, or you have an infection that can affect your immune system
  • A health condition that requires attention beforehand.

You can keep the following in mind to ensure you have the best treatment experience.

  • In most cases, you might get intravenous anesthesia. If this is the case for your tooth removal, get loose-fitting clothing or a short-sleeved shirt or blouse.
  • If your dentist confirms that the anesthesia will be intravenous, avoid drinking or eating for at least 8 hours before the appointment.
  • Avoid smoking before the procedure.
  • If you need to reschedule or if you have a cold, talk to your dentist.
  • If you develop nausea and consequent vomiting the night before the procedure, you must inform your dentist. This will help in deciding the best anesthesia for you and if there is a need for rescheduling.
  • If the procedure requires general anesthesia, get somebody to drive you home since you may not be in shape to do that yourself.

Tooth Removal Procedure

Whether your tooth is visible or impacted, the dentist will use either simple or surgical extraction. Let us take a look at both of these tooth extraction procedures.

Simple Tooth Extraction

Normally, simple tooth extraction is done if the tooth or teeth to be extracted are visible. In this type of extraction, the dentist numbs the area around your tooth with a local anesthetic. Once the area is numbed, you will only feel pressure and not pain during the procedure. Depending on the state of your tooth, the doctor will use an elevator to loosen the tooth. This is normally the case where the tooth is still strongly rooted to the jaw. In cases where the tooth is already loose, the dentist will pull it out using dental forceps. Once the tooth is removed using the forceps, the dentist prescribes antibiotics and other infection control care options.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

Surgical extraction – also known as oral extraction surgery or dental extraction surgery - is normally prescribed if your tooth removal requires an extensive procedure. Typically, your dentist will prescribe dental extraction surgery if your teeth are impacted or broken in a way that only the root and a small portion of the tooth remain.

To ensure that you are comfortable during the procedure, the dentist will use a combination of intravenous and local anesthesia. Local anesthesia will help in numbing the area around the tooth, while intravenous anesthesia will calm your senses and make you relaxed. In case you have other conditions that may affect the procedure, they may prescribe general anesthesia.

However, you will remain unconscious during the whole procedure. Once you are sedated, the dentist makes a small incision on your gum. This incision helps in getting the tooth out. If the tooth is trapped under the bone, the dentist will also have to cut the bone and remove some bone mass from around the targeted tooth. Since dental extraction surgery can be quite invasive, you will experience a longer downtime than with simple tooth extraction

Risks Associated With Tooth Extraction

What are the effects of tooth extraction? Normally, your tooth extraction procedure might be successful. However, in very rare cases, tooth extraction can come with a certain set of risks. If your dentist recommends the procedure, then the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks involved. Now, after tooth removal, a blood clot naturally forms in your tooth socket to prevent bleeding. If the blood clot does not form in the socket or gets dislodged by other factors, you might develop complications. Essentially, failure to form the blood clot or dislodging the blood clot can leave the bone in your tooth socket exposed. This leads to a condition called ‘dry socket.’ If you develop this problem, the dentist will dress you with a sedative for a given number of days to allow the new clot to form. Other risks that you might face include:

  • Excessive bleeding that lasts for a period longer than 12 hours
  • Chills and severe fever. This is normally a sign that your tooth extraction could have caused an infection.
  • Stomach discomfort, vomiting, and nausea.
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath and chest pains
  • Increased swelling and redness in the area where the surgery was performed
    Essentially, you will experience the effects of tooth extraction for a maximum of a week.

Complications to Watch Out for After Tooth Removal

Normally, if you experience the effects of tooth extraction for a longer period, you should contact your dentist. Additionally, you may develop complications from the procedure. The following are complications that may arise from tooth removal.

  • Dry socket: This normally happens when the extraction site fails to develop a clot. Without a blood clot, the site is exposed and can give you intense and radiating pain for quite some time.
  • Infection: If the gum line around the extraction area gets infected with bacteria, the infection can spread and lead to other complications.
    If by any chance any of these complications arise, you should seek attention from your dentist immediately.

Healing and Recovery

After tooth removal, you will need some time to recover. Essentially, your mouth will need to adjust to the new gap to shift the chewing or biting functions to other teeth. During this recovery period, you will have to be very careful to avoid catching an infection. In addition, minimizing discomfort helps to speed the healing process and quicken the recovery. After the tooth extraction – teeth surgery or simple tooth removal – observe the following.

  • Bite firmly but gently on the gauze pad that your dentist places on the gap left by the extracted tooth. This is essential since it helps the tooth socket to form a blood clot. It is also advisable to frequently change the gauze pad once they are soaked with blood.
  • Relax your body for approximately 24 hours after the tooth extraction.
  • Take some painkillers to manage any pain that might arise from the procedure.
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth forcefully after tooth removal. This is essential in ensuring that the blood clot is not dislodged or rinsed out. Consequently, the tooth extraction healing time is substantially reduced.
  • Do not drink from a straw for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not smoke during the first few days of your tooth extraction. Smoking can prevent proper healing.
  • In the first few days, your mouth may need some help in adapting. Therefore, you can consider taking soft foods such as soup, pudding, applesauce, or yogurt. To facilitate short tooth extraction healing time, incorporate solid foods gradually.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt. Your dentist will recommend that you rinse your mouth with a solution of warm water and salt after 24 hours. Rinsing with salt solution helps to clean away any bacteria that might cause an infection.
  • To prevent prolonged bleeding, rest your head on a pillow when lying down.
  • During flossing or brushing, be sure to avoid the extraction site.

Why Should I Consider Dental Implants After Tooth Removal?

Once you have undergone dental extraction surgery or a simple tooth removal procedure, dental implants could be the most effective option to restore your tooth. Essentially, installing a dental implant allows you to get back your appearance and restore all the feeding functionalities in your mouth. Normally, it is not advisable to get a dental implant immediately after the extraction. This is mainly because the bone is not yet healed.

However, if you need an immediate installation, you can talk to Dr. Arman Torbati. He will evaluate you for eligibility and advise you regarding your dental needs, dental implants cost, and whether dentures are suitable for you. For information on specific dentures cost in Los Angeles, Dr. Arman Torbati will advise you on even the most cost-efficient dental implants. The following are some of the benefits of getting a dental implant after extraction.

  • No gap in your bite: Essentially, once your tooth gap is filled with a dental implant, you can go back to eating normally. For instance, if the dentist pulled out a molar, chewing and grinding functions will be limited. With a dental implant, these functions are restored, and you can eat like before.
  • Protection of the jaw: Normally, after pulling out your tooth, the gap left in your jaw bone leads to degradation since there is no stimulus for jaw bone growth. However, the jaw bone is stimulated to stay healthy to keep the implant strong with an implant.
  • Better smile and improved self-confidence
  • Ability to feed on multiple types of food

The average dental implants cost falls somewhere between $3000 and $5000. This cost is, however, dependent on other factors and the region.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are normally the teeth located at the far end of your jaws. Essentially, they grow in adults of at least 17 years of age. Normally, wisdom teeth might cause painful sensations and probable overcrowding in your mouth. This can happen, especially when your teeth have large sizes. In addition, growing wisdom teeth can lead to infections and other oral problems such as cavities and tooth decay. Let us look at why you might need to get your wisdom teeth removed.

  • Crowding: During growth, wisdom teeth can push the other teeth away, leading to overcrowding.
  • Erosion cavity: During growth, the wisdom teeth might hit the surrounding molars leading to an infection.
  • Cysts: Though not common, if cysts develop due to the growth of wisdom teeth, other teeth and the jaw bone can get damaged.
  • Infection: When the wisdom tooth pushes out of your gum, you might develop an infection.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

Just like with normal tooth removal cost, the cost to pull wisdom teeth depends on whether the tooth is impacted or visible. The average cost of wisdom teeth removal is also dependent on the geographical location.

How Much Does It Cost to Extract a Tooth?

Do you have any of the following questions?

  • How much is a molar extraction?
  • How much is it for teeth removal?
  • How much does it cost to get one tooth pulled?
  • How much does it cost to get wisdom teeth removed?
  • What is the average cost of wisdom teeth removal?
  • What is the price to have a tooth pulled out?
  • What is rotten tooth removal cost?
  • What is the dentures cost in Los Angeles?
  • What is the cost to have a tooth extracted?
  • What is the cost to pull wisdom teeth?
  • What is molar teeth removal cost?
  • What is the average cost to have a tooth pulled?
  • What is wisdom teeth removal cost?

Essentially, you want to know how much it will cost you to extract a problematic tooth or teeth. Now, the cost of removing your teeth is highly dependent on the particular state of the tooth itself. Additionally, your geographical location may have an impact on the price. For instance, the tooth extraction cost where the tooth is impacted will be higher than when the molar is visible. Additionally, rotten tooth removal cost may vary depending on the extent of the rot. If the rot has destroyed the upper part of the teeth, you may need a more intensive procedure to remove the stump that remains under the gum.

Is There Tooth Extraction Near Me?

Are you looking for tooth extraction in Los Angeles? Essentially, you can find a tooth extraction clinic near you by doing a quick search using the phrase tooth extraction near me. The search results will provide you with a variety of clinics to choose from.

What Kind of Doctor Pulls Teeth?

A person who is trained to remove your teeth is called a dentist.

Is It Advisable to Get a Full Mouth Extraction?

Getting all teeth pulled at once is not recommendable unless all of them need extraction. Essentially, the dentist can warrant a full mouth extraction if all your teeth are rotten or damaged by cavities. The dentist may also warrant getting all teeth pulled at once if you had a tragic incident that damaged all your teeth.

Contact the Professionals

Before getting your tooth extracted, you will need to meet your dentist and discuss the available options. Apart from preparing you for the extraction, your dentist will advise you on how much it will cost to have tooth extracted. For tooth extraction in Los Angeles, contact us today and get your quote.

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