By Super User on Tuesday, 12 March 2019
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Transforming Your Smile

Are you unhappy with your smile? Dingy, stained and crooked teeth can make you feel self-conscious about smiling and have real-world effects, especially if you are trying to make a good impression in a social setting or going to a job interview or business meeting. Thankfully, Dr. Arman Torbati in Los Angeles can help you transform your smile so that you can be the best you possible.

1. Invest in a Teeth Cleaning

The first step to a beautiful smile is getting your teeth cleaned. A professional teeth cleaning removes all the plaque and tartar from your teeth, which helps prevent gum disease and cavities, but it also helps remove surface stains that may be impacting the appearance of your teeth. Not to mention, if you’re having trouble with food sticking to your teeth, the teeth polishing performed at the end of your teeth cleaning will help prevent food particles from sticking for a short period of time.

2. Replace Missing or Bad Teeth

If you have missing teeth or bad teeth that have root canals and large fillings, consider replacing them. Our dentist in Low Angeles performs dental implants, bridges and crowns, which can help fill in the gaps creating by missing teeth. Once you have your teeth replaced, they will match your existing teeth in size and color, which helps you get a beautiful smile and chew your food better.

3. Get Your Teeth Whitened

If the dental cleaning didn’t get your teeth as white as you’d like, consider in-office or at-home teeth whitening treatments. These treatments can get your teeth several shades lighter than your existing color, and you’ll be monitored by our dentist during the process. 

If you aren’t sure if teeth whitening will get you the desired shade, we also offer porcelain veneers, which are thin wafers of porcelain that are bonded to your teeth. Porcelain veneers also offer the benefit of taking care of small problems with the teeth, like having a tooth that is exceptionally small or having minor cracks or chips in your teeth.

4. Get Your Teeth Straightened

Teeth straightening isn’t just for preteens and teens anymore. If you have mild to moderately crooked, crowded or gapped teeth, we can correct those problems with Invisalign. Invisalign is a relatively new way to straighten teeth that involves the use of clear aligners. These aligners are worn over the teeth for a minimum of 22 hours a day and removed for eating or drinking. They have the ability to straighten teeth in six to 12 months, which means you can have a straight smile is about half the time of traditional braces.

Our dentist in Los Angeles can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. To learn more about how we can improve your smile and help you look and feel great, schedule a consultation today by calling 310-553-3428.