By Super User on Friday, 21 February 2020
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

What Does Getting Porcelain Veneers Involve in 2020

A dental veneer is an extremely thin shell of medical-grade porcelain. Arman Torbati in West Los Angeles attaches your veneers to your tooth surfaces to hide any imperfections. This includes chips, cracks, gaps, discoloration, worn enamel and uneven teeth. Since the color of the veneer matches your tooth, the appearance is natural. One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments is porcelain veneers.

You may realize dental veneers were neither lifelike or convenient in the past. This has changed during the course of the past 30 years due to advancements in technology. When you visit a dentist today, a new kind of porcelain is used. The porcelain is stronger, reflects the light and ensures the veneer on your tooth looks natural. Your dentist will use a digital imaging system to create your veneers.

Not only are your veneers ready the same day, but your dentist is able to create your veneers using the shape and color of your natural teeth. Arman Torbati of West Los Angeles can combine other treatments with your dental veneers for stunning results. The only way to be certain if you are a good candidate for porcelain veneers is to make an appointment with your dentist.

During your appointment, your dentist will professionally evaluate your dental health and the condition of your enamel. You will be asked a few questions about your dental health history. Your dentist can then tell you whether or not your are a good candidate for dental veneers. If you are not, you will be offered an effective alternate treatment whenever possible.

The Types and Cost of Porcelain Veneers

There are different types of dental veneers available. Your dentist will select the veneer right for your specific circumstances. Dental veneers include:

You are most likely wondering how much porcelain veneers cost. This is dependent on numerous factors including the type of veneer your dentist chooses and their knowledge and experience. You will be given the total cost after your dental health is determined. Porcelain veneers offer you a lot of benefits including:

The Procedure for Porcelain Veneers

Your first step is scheduling a consultation with Arman Torbati of West Los Angeles. Your dentist will examine your teeth to determine if you are a good candidate for veneers. If you qualify, you will discuss your cosmetic goals and receive dental impressions and X-rays. During your next two appointments, several hours will be spent preparing your teeth for the porcelain veneers.

Your exam and preparation are extremely important. This is when your dentist will detect any oral issues that need to be handled prior to applying your porcelain veneers. Your dentist will select the correct color of your veneer using a shade chart. You will be involved in the color selection. Once your preparation is complete, a customized plan will be created prior to beginning your procedure.

During your procedure, your tooth and the surrounding area will be numbed by your dentist. A local anesthetic will be used to make certain you are comfortable during your treatment. A bur is used to reshape your tooth to ensure a perfect fit for your porcelain veneer. Your procedure is then dependent on the type of veneer your dentist is placing.

An impression of your tooth is necessary to place a porcelain veneer. Your impression is used for fabricating your veneer. In some instances, your veneer may be made in a laboratory. If your dentist is placing a direct composite resin veneer, your dentist will shape it will a bur. Your veneer is then hardened using light. The material is added layer by layer until your tooth is the desired shape.

Your dentist can correct surface flaws, chips and cracks in just one treatment. The shape of your tooth can even be changed to hide dark stains. If you live in the West Los Angeles area, the best cosmetic dentist for porcelain veneers is Arman Torbati. He is well educated and trained, experienced and will perform your procedure with expertise. You will leave the office with a gorgeous smile.