By Super User on Tuesday, 08 December 2020
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Why do people get veneers

Why do people get veneers? You may have heard someone ask this question before. Well, most people would like to have that killer smile. Unluckily, not many people can achieve this without the aid of cosmetic dental treatment. Dental veneers are among the many choices to correct your unappealing smile because of tooth discoloration.

Why Do People Get Veneers – Should I Get Veneers?

From dental implants to oral bone grafts, there are numerous ways that individuals can enhance their dental health. In case you’re displeased with the teeth’ discoloration and unattractive smile, it’s time to think about veneers. Why get veneers? Are you curious about the veneers? Let’s explore some of the reasons to get veneers.

Reasons to Get Veneers

Why get veneers? Veneers come with a lot of benefits, and some of them are discussed below.

1. They Correct Numerous Cosmetic Problems

Veneers can assist with dental and cosmetic problems and treat several problems simultaneously. Some of the most common reasons people choose veneers are to fix alignment problems, bridge spaces and gaps between teeth, alter the overall appearance and shape of teeth, whiten your smile by covering discolored or stained teeth, and dental mask cracked or chipped teeth. If you already have weak and worn down teeth, veneers help prevent additional damage by providing them with a thin shell layer of tooth color.

2. They Are Durable

Among the reasons to get veneers is their durability. They may last for several years longer compared to traditional composite dental fillings. You will enjoy the peace of mind for choosing your veneers since you will have your perfect new smile for years to come. On average, the veneers last 10-15 years. Like natural teeth, once you take good dental care of your veneers, they will last for a long time.

3. Easy to Maintain and Clean

It’s easy to keep dental veneers white and healthy - brush and floss as you would your natural teeth. Soon after you have dental veneers installed, you will start to think of them like your natural teeth since thin shells are on top of your current teeth. This makes it easier to brush and floss as you routinely ensure they are as neat as possible.

4. The Procedure Is Simple

Obtaining veneers is an easy and quick process. Make a few visits to Dr. Arman Torbati DDS., and you will see the results. Averagely, it may only take about 4 weeks from the first appointment to the last date to finish the veneer installation process.

Benefits of Getting Veneers

1. Dental Veneers May Cover Cracks, Chips, and Discoloration

Porcelain veneers can solve the little beauty problems that arise when you speak or smile. For a dental consultation period, the dentist will determine if you are a potential candidate for dental veneers. For instance, your dentist might recommend dental veneers to close the small spaces between the front teeth. If the tooth is delicate, the dentist may suggest a dental crown to repair its natural appearance and strength. Either way, the dentist will find the best solution for the smile.

2. Dental Veneers Need Little Enamel Elimination

After the enamel fades, it is gone forever. Fortunately, dental veneers only require a thin layer to get removed. Since veneers are non-invasive, you might not even require anesthesia anywhere. While the porcelain veneers adhere to the front of a single tooth, dental bridges and dental crowns must fit on more than one tooth or more. Meaning that your dentist will have to get rid of more enamel from the crown than veneers.

3. Dental Veneers Prevents Tooth Discoloration

Observing good mouth hygiene and monitoring the foods you take helps your veneers last for many years. Dental veneers are more likely to come in contact with the drinks and food you consume. This helps protect the natural teeth; however, you still have to treat your dental veneers with a lot of care. An instance of this is how ice can break if bitten too hard. If taken good care of, veneer teeth may last for about10 years.

4. Dental Veneers May Increase Your Confidence

The veneers procedure requires two visits to our office. On your first visit, the dentist will take out enough enamel coating from your teeth to make room for the veneers. Porcelain veneers can make your teeth appear large and voluminous if the dentist fails to remove the enamel. During this visit, your specialist will take and send your teeth impressions to the laboratory. The impressions will help to make a set of veneers for the structure of your mouth. Meanwhile, your specialist will employ temporary veneers, which will act as protectors to your teeth. The next time you visit our office, the veneers will be waiting for you already. The dentist will then ensure that the dental restoration matches the natural enamel color. We can adjust the fit of your veneer a bit to make it look natural. At the close of the procedure, you will have a lovely new smile!

5. Dental Veneers Require Little Maintenance

Although veneers can resist stains, it is advisable to be flossing once a day and brushing your teeth twice daily to maintain good oral health. Plan for regular dental examinations with your specialist. This simple maintenance will help keep the dental veneers sparkling white, allowing you to enjoy a fine-looking, healthy smile. Dental veneers can resist cavities and permanent stains compared to natural tooth enamel because they are non-porous. In other words, it doesn’t take much effort to maintain the veneers.

The Cost of Veneers in Los Angeles

Installing porcelain veneers might be an expensive solution for rebuilding teeth. Finding porcelain veneers at competitive prices might be a challenge. Porcelain veneers cost generally start at $950 per tooth, and you may even find them costing $2,200 subject to the cosmetic dentist you visit.

Ask about Dental Veneers Treatment

Dr. Arman Torbati DDS., through personal care and vigilance, will assist you to attain the dream smile that you have been hunting. With dental veneers, it takes less than 3 visits to complete the treatment. Expect the most reliable experience you can ever receive at our dental clinic. Call us today for more information or to book a consultation.

See Also Dental bonding Vs Veneers.