By Super User on Tuesday, 01 August 2017
Category: General Dentistry

Why It's Important to Treat Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, which is also referred to as "bruxism," is a condition that wears the enamel and dentin down on the teeth. Teeth grinding can create a huge problem for oral health. As time goes on, it steadily becomes worse. In the beginning, enamel erodes, and teeth slowly begin to wear away resulting in "attrition." This leads to teeth that are irregularly shaped and goes on to create dental fractures, tooth loss and the necessity for root canals and other restorative dental procedures. If your teeth appear to be flattened, you may be unknowingly grinding your teeth. If you are suffering from the effects of teeth grinding, you will need teeth grinding treatment Los Angeles. Time is of the essence. Make an appointment to see our Century City dentist as quickly as possible.

The Causes of Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding happens for several reasons; although, all reasons are tied to either a physical cause or a psychological cause. At times, teeth grinding may be caused by both a physical cause and a psychological one. Physical causes may include things like having an abnormal bite, sleep apnea, Parkinson's disease, stomach acid reflux and recurrent pain. Psychological causes of teeth grinding are related to anxiety, stress or trying to focus on a task or train of thought.

Is Teeth Grinding a Big Deal?

It probably seems like a minor issue, but teeth grinding can be detrimental to oral health. It is a progressive condition that continues to get worse if it is not properly treated or avoided. In the beginning, teeth are at risk for tooth decay, but as time goes on, teeth can eventually loosen and fall out. Other common problems are that teeth begin to chip, fracture or otherwise break. This can be extremely painful. One common side effect of teeth grinding is tooth sensitivity.

Teeth Grinding Treatments

Many people who suffer from teeth grinding do so while they are asleep. This is unfortunate as it is uncontrollable. People who grind their teeth in their sleep often wake up with jaw pain or headaches. Whether or not teeth grinding happens while sleeping or awake, there are several treatments available to help prevent additional damage.

There are common treatments for teeth grinding:

Beyond oral health issues, teeth grinding can negatively impact the mouth's aesthetics, and this can impact the way a person feels about their smile and interact with others. Porcelain veneers and other forms of restorative dentistry can help restore a person's smile. Contact us to schedule your consultation appointment with our knowledgeable Los Angeles dentist.